- spinach🍃
- pumpkin 🎃
- corn🌽
- carrot🥕
- onion 🍃
- teaspoon olive oil🌱
- tomatoes sauce🍅
-lemon 🍋
-pepper, paprika, turmeric🌶
- pasta 🍝
•With little olive oil and water, saute your veggies. Put your onion and then your spinach, wait for a minute in a close pan. Add your tomatoes sauce and all the other veggies you have at home. Add your seasoning and wait for about 5-10 minutes and your veggie sauce is ready!!For an iron boost absorbtion put lemon on it 👩🍳
Suitable for vegetarians & vegans. For an extra protein boost put in the sauce lentils! 🌱🍃